Operations manager for major electronics purchasing company.
Monroe, Louisiana.
Growing up I always wanted to be an attorney.
I enjoy playing golf when I’m stressed as a form of relaxation.
I would love to meet Gerald Alley, He has enjoyed his life building one of the largest Black-owned construction and real estate companies. I would love to know how he combated so much adversity.
The culture of Dallas is Dallas’ best-kept secret. The people are what makes Dallas, Dallas.
Making front porch dreams come true. To experience the look on someone’s face when they receive their keys to a home that they can call their own.
I never forget that the people are what makes this vision come to life. This industry is all about the people and putting their needs above filling our pockets.
The most difficult aspect is knowing that I can’t help them all. Some people won’t ever experience having someone fight for them to own the dream that they set out to have.
Every conversation, every appearance, every person is an opportunity to throw your hat in the ring at helping someone. Being genuine is always going to be the best way of generating new leads.
I’m currently binge-reading a lot of self development books. My previous read was “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and my current read is “The One Thing” by Gary Keller.
My favorite Dallas meal would have to be the lamb chop from The Vault.
My favorite building in Dallas is Perot Museum of Nature and Science.
The weirdest thing I’ve seen on the job would have to be a tarp that the sellers placed in the attic to catch rainwater from a roof leak. The tarp burst and damaged an entire upstairs level while touring a home.
I’m in the process of getting a book published.
My favorite vacation spot is San Diego. The weather is perfect and the vibe is unmatched.
Don’t forget to remain humble.
I’m completely in love with the “MLS-Touch” app. It makes my life so much easier.
My favorite people to follow would have to 1st: My wife, the leader of Reliance Faith Realty; 2nd: The Dear Son Podcast; 3rd: Daily House Tours.