Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Defense under the U.S. Army’s sector of space command. I was in Space Force before it was cool.
Seattle. However, when people ask where are you from I generally answer, “I don’t know anymore.”
I always wanted to be a pilot, but I do not have the hand-eye coordination.
Jennifer Coolidge, because I’d just want to laugh like I have never laughed before.
The tennis courts of Highland Park.
I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction helping folks better their lives through bettering their real estate. Realty is one’s reality.
I am one of the more academically accomplished agents. I run my own creative team as a collaborator and set up systems that allow me to manage most aspects of my business hands on.
Being an introvert in an extroverts field.
Show the lenders you can do math.
Cardio covers of ’80s songs.
Hutchins BBQ.
The Harry Potter Mansion next to Connor Park.
As an agent? Nothing is weirder then seeing photos of Kim Jung Un smiling as he launches a missile you tracked across the Sea of Japan.
I wasn’t born in the U.S., and English is my second language.
Honolulu. I can swim behind a barrier that protects me from sharks. Also, cellphone service.
Santa Barbara, California.
Find a mentor who shares your interests and values.
MLS Touch.
My family.